Busting Fatal Myths to Ensure Electrical Safety in Your Home

So, you heard that nearly all power lines are insulated, thus, safe to touch. You put the theory into practice, get electrocuted, end up in a hospital bed, and realise how dangerous are the myths associated with electricity. To improve safety, individuals must stop believing the below-mentioned prevalent yet false concepts right away.

  1. Fallen wire shut off automatically

A renowned electrician said a wire would not shut off or short circuit if it falls on poor conducting surfaces like asphalt. Stay at least twenty feet away from laid down lines always. They might be live even when not producing sparks.  Whether you need to repair or replace the wire, you must seek professional help from experts.

  1. Live wire generate sparks while falling

As specified earlier, a live wire might not generate sparks, which make it more hazardous for those who think it is not energised any longer. Live wires make noise or spark only when not in contact with a firm surface.

  1. Rubber shoes and gloves insulate

Remember, only a cent per cent pure rubber insulates. As your shoes and gloves are mixed with other inferior materials, they start acting as conductors. Never assume them to offer protection against electrocution.

  1. Low voltage lines are secure

Voltage is not harmful. It is the amperage that you need to be aware of. Only one amp causes deadly heart irregularities. So, even when the voltage is low, please check the amps in your house.

  1. Wood is not a conductor

Wood is a poor conductor, which means electricity can still flow. Wet wood energises quite easily, so make sure to maintain distance from it. Increasing the voltage also compels electric current to pass through the wood.

  1. Electrical heaters are cheap compared to gas or oil furnaces

If you plan to heat your entire home with the electrical heater to the same temperature, you will go with an oil or gas furnace; the former costs way more. However, if you heat only a section of your house, electrical heaters seem cheap.

  1. It is safe to handle electricity if the ladder is made up of fibreglass or wood

Fibreglass and wood are safer than metal, but electricity flows through them dirty or wet. The experts offering electrical Point Cook services said to avoid accidents work with de-energised circuits under all circumstances.

Now that almost all major electrical myths are debunked, contribute to protection furthermore by carrying out a few vital measures. Start by repairing or replacing the damaged electrical cords immediately. Also, unplug appliances to keep power surges and overheating at bay when not in use. Click here for more information about professional and licensed electrical contractors to ensure the utmost safety in your home from electrical mishaps.